Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Hello! Welcome to my blog! This is my first post. I thought I'd try out blogging about the many frugal/reuse/reduce/recycle things I do in my life and see how it pans out. If I like it, I'll keep doing it. :) Let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Beth.
 My fiance, Eric calls me Belle. (Hence Belle's Fabrications). I am not an English major so I am sure there will be plenty of typos in my posts but you will just have to forgive me. :) I am 33 years old, and I live in Ohio. I have a Siberian Husky named Loups, no kids, and no intention of having any. I have a large family though with lots of little ones for me to spoil. :)
My fiance Eric and I 
My fiance is a UPS driver. I worked in the hotel industry for 8 years and when Hilton sold my property, my fiance and I decided that I could quit working and become a homemaker. I get a lot of grief for it, but I think maybe some people are just jealous. ;) I am still a feminist.

My pupper. ;)

Ever since I was a little girl, I liked to make doll clothes, so I do a bit of that. I like to thrift shop, and refashion clothing. I don't make only clothes. Sometimes I will refashion a table, or make a desk out of lumber. It just depends on what project im into this week. :) I hope you all stay tuned for my first fabrication post!

Thanks for reading!